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Message from the President of the Japan Petroleum Institute


Yasuharu Yamaguchi
(JGC Corporation)

My name is Yamaguchi of JGC Corporation, and I was recently appointed President of the Japan Petroleum Institute (JPI). I am committed to the best of my ability to advance the development of the society and sincerely request your support. Therefore, I would like to extend my greetings upon assuming the presidency. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is receding, allowing us to gradually restore the lively activities of our society. However, natural disasters such as the Noto Peninsula earthquake earlier this year continue to occur frequently, and I extend my deepest sympathies to those affected and my gratitude to those engaged in the disaster recovery efforts.
In 2019, the European Commission announced the "European Green Deal," and in 2020, former Prime Minister Suga declared Japan's intention to achieve "Carbon Neutral (CN) by 2050," generating momentum for combining environmental measures with economic development. The invasion of Ukraine by Russia in 2022 has also emphasized the importance of stable energy supplies. Former President Muramatsu emphasized the importance of defining the goals of a CN society and the guidelines for transitioning by 2050.
While the goal of a CN society is envisioned to extensively utilize renewable energy (electricity), not all energy needs can be met with only electricity. Oil remains crucial, with its high energy density necessary for transportation fuels and as a carbon resource for chemical manufacturing. Therefore, developing and establishing a supply system for carbon-neutral hydrocarbons is vital, as well as ensuring stable energy supplies, developing oil resources for coexistence with a CN society, and effectively utilizing and maintaining oil refining and petrochemical facilities. Since the oil crisis of 1973, the Petroleum Society has amassed technologies in resource development, energy production, energy conversion and utilization, and chemical manufacturing. However, these technologies alone are not sufficient to economically achieve a satisfactory CN society, so technological advancements and innovations are required.
To effectively form plans for the CN society and its transition process, it is essential for JPI to gather more and more accurate information, facilitate discussions aimed at realizing a CN society based on that information, and effectively communicate the outcomes of those discussions. Fortunately, JPI has always benefited from the participation and cooperation of many individuals from industry, academia, and government. I greatly respect the previous efforts of all stakeholders involved so far, and I hope for even broader and more extensive participation in the activities of JPI moving forward.