Request for transfer of copyrights on previously published articles on the
“Sekiyu Gakkaishi” and “Bulletin of The Japan Petroleum Institute”
The Japan Petroleum Institute (JPI) is promoting to digitally archive the “Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute,” “Sekiyu Gakkaishi” and “Bulletin of The Japan Petroleum Institute” which were published by JPI. This archive includes all previously published materials and will be made freely accessible to public via internet without charge or restriction. In moving forward with this project, JPI needs to obtain approvals from copyright holders (Japanese Copyright Law Articles 21-28).With regard to all the original papers published in “Sekiyu Gakkaishi” and “Bulletin of The Japan Petroleum Institute” from 1958 to 1977, in which ownership of the copyrights is unclear, JPI would like to obtain the reproduction rights (Japanese Copyright Law Article 21) and the public transmission rights (Japanese Copyright Law Article 23) from the copyright holders in order to quickly make public these electronic archives so that they are available for research purposes. Copyright holders who wish not to grant reproduction and public transmission rights to JPI are requested to contact JPI at the address noted below before May 31, 2008. In cases whereby JPI is not contacted, processing will be carried out as though permission has been granted.
Please note that the copyright transfer JPI is requesting is for the sole purpose of making above articles electronically available to the public. Thus, authors may use the subject materials without permission for their own research purposes. Thank you for your much appreciated cooperation.
The Japan Petroleum Institute
Yoyu kanda Bldg.,
Kandasuda-cho, 1-8-4, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0041, JAPAN
Tel: +81-3-6206-4301 FAX: +81-3-6206-4302